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B18 / G18 / X18
B20 / G20 / X20
U23 (18+)

Young players are the future of our sport and we are here to cater for their needs further, so they commit to a lifetime of Touch.


Youth Events: Event Services

Why wait until tomorrow to discover the champion you are today” was the original strapline when the first Junior Touch Championships was held back in 2014, consisting of only a Mixed 18s division comprising of just six teams.


2015 saw the addition of both the Boys 18s and Girls 18s divisions, whilst it wasn’t until 2016 in The Netherlands when the Mixed 15s was seen. Since then, the Youth scene has further developed slowly, with just a single organised competitive event per year for these age groups.


Since then, the Youth scene has further developed slowly, with one organised competitive event per year for these age groups.


There’s been a heavy decline since 2019, with a 40% decrease in teams in 2022, along with losing four countries from the starting line up, as Czech Republic, Netherlands, Scotland, Switzerland and United Arab Emirates were all absent.


Our ambition is to continue to fill a gap in the Touch development structure in Europe (and beyond).


There are more and more senior and masters divisions being added to the Major Touch championships but no development pathways for players to gain experience prior to qualifying for the Open teams.


Our aim is to run regular events that act as a focal point to introduce young people to the sport of Touch in a culturally diverse environment; regardless of their origin, social status, gender, and sporting aptitude. Starting with an U23s event in 2024.


This will help provide National Touch Organisations (NTO’s) with a pathway for the retention and further development of young people in the sport; coaching opportunities for those involved with youth development and a mechanism to introduce young people to refereeing.

Our motivation is to provide youth teams additional playing opportunities, to ensure they’re building their experience and are ready for international duties.


Youth Events: Text









X15, B18, G18, X18, X23



£300 per team, per day

(We aim to keep the entry fee below £20 per person per day, for a team of 16)



Youth Mixed Touch - Launching Soon.png
Youth Events: Event Portfolio
Youth Events: Event Portfolio

©2020 by On The Seven Events.

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